Alps RK27 Breakout PCB now available
A lot of people have been asking for us to release the RK27 breakout PCB, and it is now available for just $5.
A lot of people have been asking for us to release the RK27 breakout PCB, and it is now available for just $5.
After a long wait, the new and improved version of the ACA, the ACA V1.8, is in stock. New V1.8 wiring diagram V1.8 parts kit contains a new rear mode selector switch...
F4, F5T and PSU boards are now back in stock. Matched Linear Systems NP JFET Quads are en-route to the warehouse, and so we are making them available now for...
The PCB and parts kit are available separately, and you can view both on the Wayne's BAF2018 Linestage page.
Further to our last update, the situation is slowly improving. We have done in depth analysis of all our shipments from the past few months. In March/April we saw some shipments disappear...
We have just updated our COVID19 international shipping impact statement. You can read about what we believe is the current impact from COVID, country blocks/disruptions and delays. Non-US customers -...
The Elekit TU-8500 and TU-8800 are now back in stock. The TU-8800 now includes Lundahl transformers, TKD pot and Takman resistors. We've also added a new product in the lineup, the Elekit TU-8150.
We are now stocking Burson Audio's V5i hybrid, V6 Vivid and V6 Classic fully discrete drop-in replacement audio opamps.
All the Korg Nutubes required for the B1K pre-order have now been received, and we have extras now in stock and available for immediate sale.
Aleph J, F4, F5, F5-T and F6 MOSFET kits are now back in stock.
We're very happy to be able to announce the immediate availability of Fire Metall solder. Fire Metall is Norwegian for "Four Metal". This is a reference to the basic makeup of the...
DOMESTIC USA: No issues reported. INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING FROM THE USA: Some orders shipping with DHL are experiencing long delays We're starting to hear reports of discount services (DHL Parcel Standard and DHL Paket)...
The entire range of MOSFET kits are now back in stock. Some PCBs (Aleph J, F5T) are currently out of stock due to C19 related production delays, but we are...
The long awaited pre-order for the production run of Korg Nutube B1s is now open. For more details see the product page.
LATEST STATUS UPDATE 2020-03-31: Our hearts go out to all those affected by the pandemic worldwide. The situation is changing daily but so far we have been lucky enough that there has...
All lines of matched Linear Systems JFETs are now back in stock.